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Shalom, Dog lovers and language enthusiasts! My name is Yamit and welcome to our Animal Asissted Education center, based in the beautiful land of Israel

At our center, we believe in the transformative power of innovative learning with dogs. We're breaking new ground in the field of animal-assisted education, combining a love for our furry friends with a passion for teaching, and turn it , into an innovative, one of a kind tool.

Today, I'm excited to share with you our journey and our groundbreaking card games that are taking language education to a whole new level.

Pioneering Animal Assisted Education

In the realm of animal-assisted education, I'm proud to say - we stand alone as a pioneers- our journey began with a simple yet profound idea: Could we leverage the connection between humans and dogs to create engaging language learning experiences? The answer, as it turns out, is a resounding "YES!" or "WOOF" for that matter .

The unique synergy between dogs and learning has opened me up to exciting opportunities for children and adults alike. Dogs are not just our loyal companions; they are incredibly effective teaching .partners

we've harnessed the power of play, interaction, and learning to create different kinds of incredible card games designed for kids. These games seamlessly blend language acquisition with the joy of spending time with our canine friends.

?What makes our products a Game-Changer

  • Engaging and Fun: Learning is most effective when it's enjoyable!- Our games turn language learning into an exciting journey filled with laughter and discovery

  • Interactive: Our card games promote interaction between players and their four-legged friends, creating a bond that enhances the learning experience

  • Unique in the Market: As the sole player in the field of animal-assisted education, we provide a unique and exclusive learning opportunity for our customers

Introducing The EZdog School Card Games

  1. ABC-DOG: This game introduces the English language to young learners in a fun and interactive way- with colorful cards and canine-themed illustrations, kids embark on an educational adventure with their furry pals, all while mastering the letters of the English languge.

  2. ABC-DOG: Hebrew Edition: For those eager to learn Hebrew, this card game is the perfect choice. It helps children improve their Hebrew language skills through pronunciation practice.

    With colorful cards and canine-themed illustrations, kids embark on an educational adventure with their furry pals, all while mastering the letters of the Hebrew languge

  3. Train and learn- math operations: For those making their first steps in Math experience, our "train and learn" game is the ultimate choice- with engaging challanges, making math learning an exciting adventure for all.

    we are constantly developing more games and products the uses the AAE as a bridge connecting between learning and fun with our best friends

    join our revolution and be a part of the success