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Animal Asisted Education is the professional name given to the innovative field that has been developed in our company since 2018
 The field is considered one of a kind in Israel and in the world and its main feature is a unique method for assimilating new educational material using dogs as an integral part of the learning process in order to improve learning abilities and to increase the motivation for learning over

-The AAE method for success is based on the theory of zootherapy treatment using animals.
the fields application methods taken from different models for learning and memory used in the learning proccess
The method is intended for children and adults for whom conventional learning methods bring with them concentration difficulties, frustration and lack of interest

The learning process using the dogs is conveyed through games and activities and active work with the dog - all of these create a safe ground for easy learning, fast understanding and good absorption of the studied material

  The method contributes a lot in acquiring essential basics for learning,  imporives regular practice of the material in addition of improving communication and interpersonal skills when working with the dog - the acquired learning base helps the student develop other abilities in the future such as- faster absorption and better learning skills

The AAE method actually practices the ways of expressing learning -something that almost never happens in any other setting in our lives

Through the method and the educational dog games that we developed in our company - we provide a unique and different educational solution and put a lot of love and tail into the various learning processes

Today, we implement the method in our variety of content and study programs and through the products we have developed; Our dream is that the field of Animal Asisted Education will be permanently integrated into the education systems and will be an element of unprecedented significance in the education and learning processes and thus we will be able to give every boy and girl the academic, social and emotional support they so desperately need.